Say what? This is the first time HCAI has ever added a claim form to the system since its initial launch back in 2007, and it comes as quite a surprise.
HCAI has announced that they plan to introduce the Assessment of Attendant Care Needs Form, also known as Form 1, into their system in Fall of 2016. Form 1 is known for determining levels of attendant care – and for those who already complete this form, you will now be able to submit it electronically via HCAI (rather than submitting it by fax or mail, as it is done at this time).
This marks another step towards automating the MVA claim adjudication process in Ontario, and we look forward to it. As many of you know, Universal Office already prepopulates and helps you complete, calculate subtotals for each one of the three levels of Attendant Care Parts, store, export to PDF and print Form 1. And soon you will be able to submit it electronically right from your practice management system to the insurance adjuster via HCAI.
Updates to OCFs on HCAI
On another note, FSCO announced amendments to OCFs. The OCF-18, OCF-21B, OCF-21C, and OCF-23 will also be updated on HCAI this spring.
We plan to make the necessary adjustments in Universal Office to comply with the upcoming regulatory changes in due time for both the Spring and Fall 2016 HCAI system releases.
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