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Updates to Universal Office
With our latest release, the following features are now available:
- Tracking Tab enables you to track Assessments, IEs, Assistive Devices, Rebuttals, Treatments, and Torts.
- Tracking Manager allows you to customize settings for Assessments, IE Tracking, Assistive Devices, Rebuttals, Torts, and add any additional Tracking to serve other purposes (e.g. WSIB).
- Dynamic Alerts – Alerts & Reminders have been merged into one window and separated by tabs. The performance of the Alerts & Reminders has been greatly improved and now the window loads super fast. Custom Alerts can now be created via the “Reminder Types” icon in the Administration Setup. Both column order and size can be customized.
- Record Payment – you can now record payment right from the Overdue 30 days alert by selecting an invoice from the list and clicking the “Apply Payment” button.
- Appointments – what you see is what you get on the printout and Go to Appointment feature will enable you to find and jump to any appointment of any date. Also, on the bottom-right of the appointment book you can see the total number Scheduled, Checked-In, Confirmed, Missed, and Cancelled appointments.
- Document Tab – recognize what assessment or assistive devices the OCF-18 and OCF-22 pertain to (e.g. In-home, FAE, Psychological, Assistive Devices In-Home).
- Account Activity Tab – recognize what the invoice was issued for (e.g. In-home, FAE, Psychological, Assistive Devices In-Home).
- Correspondence – every assessment (In-Home, FAE, Psychological) can have its own correspondence history instead of one general one. Same goes for Assistive Devices, Rebuttal, etc.
- Billing Statement – allows you to preview payments per service as the payments were distributed per invoiced services/product.
Upcoming changes, updates & features
- Over 30 auto-fillable Extended Health Claim forms
- Extended Health Tracking
If you have any suggestions or requests for future updates, please email us to feedback@antibex.com.