During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s no surprise that there are many new and evolving safety measures and protocols in place across every industry to help keep us all healthy – Universal Office and HCAI are no exception to this.
We’ve chimed in on Helping Clinics Adjust to COVID Safety Standards by helping make the transition a bit less stressful. But another way our industry is evolving is with virtual care.
New GAP Codes for Virtual Assessments
Not long ago, HCAI announced that they have added new GAP codes for healthcare providers to indicate assessments that are delivered virtually. The new codes for virtual assessments are highlighted blue and can be found here.
To add new GAP codes to Universal Office, follow step-by-step instructions in our Add and Manage Service Codes knowledgebase article.
When to Use GAP Codes for Virtual Assessments
The newly introduced GAP codes can be applied for virtual assessments provided on or after June 29, 2020.
Have you already been asked to select attributes when submitting claims to HCAI? Those attribute codes are used to specify how the services were delivered (e.g., indirect, intermittent attendance). Learn how to apply CCI codes attributes for virtual services in our How to Add Attributes to Your CCI Codes blog.
Did you know that Universal Office has telemedicine? Do you want to start offering telemedicine, but you aren’t sure where to start? For everything you need to know, check out our Guide for Universal Office Telemedicine. Along with telemedicine, you can incorporate personalized Home Exercise Programs into your practice. It’s a great addition to virtual and in-person treatment sessions that lets you custom tailor exercise programs to help keep your patients motivated, engaged and on the path to recovery.
Contact our technical support team and we’ll be happy to connect your Universal Office with doxy.me – a HIPPA and PIPEDA compliant telemedicine service.
Let us know in the comments below if you provide telemedicine treatments at your practice. And as always, check back for the latest Universal Office and industry news!